March 9, 2012

Japan's high Bukit Tinggi - Padang West Sumatra Indonesia

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Japan hole Bukit Tinggi is one of the historical attractions in the city of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. Japan is a tunnel hole (bunker) the protection of the Japanese occupation forces built around the year 1942 for defense. The existence of holes in the building it deliberately concealed, not visible from the motorway (from outside the park). Even when in Panorama Park, not necessarily visible entrance hole except when standing around the mouth hole. To get into the tunnel opening of Japan, it first had to descend 132 stairs that have a sufficient vertical slope. The hole at the moment we enter Japan, you will merasakn feels cold all over our bodies. There are places in space:
- Space Ammunition
- Kitchen
- Prison
- Scouts
- Dining Room
- Barak the army, etc.

If indeed you want to come to this tour I suggest do not forget to perpetuate and in western Sumatra are still many places that other tours.

                                                               Ruang Amunisi

(I myself had been there and these pictures taken at the door and escape)

March 6, 2012

High School Number One in Indonesia Version TESCA

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STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta this time was chosen as the High School Number one in Indonesia in Telkom Smart Campus Award (TESCA) for category 100 smartest Campus. On these categories, Amikom Indonesia was ranked eleventh. In the college ranks TESCA version, the amikom than a high school number one in Indonesia, also occupy the top ranks of Private Higher Education in Yogyakarta.
Worthy of pride for all students, employees and Make Good father PROF. Dr. MOHAMMADSUYANTO, MM.

There are 7 fields are assessed in a national awards program was initiated by Telkom. The seventh field is the suprastructure Campus, Infrastructure Technology, Stakeholder Profile, Variety Utilization and Application (Implementation), Impact and Benefits of Application of Technology, the National Education Strategy, and External Community (Stakeholder). Amikom scores for the seven areas are all above average. Amikom get 4166 total score.

Telkom Smart Campus Award was held to increase ICT awareness in the community college and to build the Indonesian High Education Network (INHERENT) as a national educational effort to promote and support the development of quality of life in a sustainable society through the empowerment of ICT in educational environments. TeSCA TeSCA 100 will produce a ranking, which also shows the positioning of universities as well as demonstrate high competitiveness of its advantage over the use of ICT in college.

TeSCA ranking is expected to be the standard best practices of ICT in universities as well as a means of evaluation for universities in Indonesia to continue racing into the best colleges, both in terms of service to the academic community as well as organizational effectiveness and internal efficiency in higher education.

Sumber :


March 2, 2012

ESTABLISHMENT HISTORY College of Information Management and Computer AMIKOM Yogyakarta

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School of Information Management and Computer AMIKOM Yogyakarta (hereinafter referred to STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA) is one of the private university located in Lahore District DIY Province under the auspices of the Foundation AMIKOM Yogyakarta.
STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA is a college results development of the Academy of Information Management and Computer "AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA". AMIKOM Yogyakarta as a higher education institution established under the decision of the Minister of Education and Culture of Republic of Indonesia. 084/D/O/1994 on the Granting of Status Registered to Programs / Study Program for the Study Program AMIKOM D-III in Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta and under the auspices of the Foundation "AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA".
Yogyakarta has AMIKOM Studies Program Information Management and Information Technology. These courses each managed by a Head of Department and Secretary of the Department are supported by The Lecturers, and Administrative Staff.
Overall academic institution was headed by a Director assisted by several Assistant Director, Academic Executive, Executive Administratatif Elements, Technical Execution Unit, Elements of Research and Development and several other supporting elements.
In 2002, D-3 program has been in the Information Management Accreditation by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education with SK BAN PT Number: 010/BAN-PT/Ak-I/Dpl-III/VIII/2002 and gain accreditation A.
Along with advances in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as well as to meet the needs of experts who understand and are skilled in these fields, then AMIKOM add the S-1, and transformed into STIMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA.
Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia dated 24 April 2002, No.. 75/D/O/2002 about Operation Permit Granting Programs Study and Establishment of the College of Informatics and Computer Management (STMIK) AMIKOM Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta (Changes in the shape of AMIKOM) organized by the Foundation AMIKOM Yogyakarta in Yogyakarta.
Under the decree, STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA given permission to conduct the study program:

A. Information Engineering for the Bachelor level (S1)
2. Information system for the level of Bachelor (S1)
3. Information Management for Diploma level - III (D-3)
4. Information Technology Diploma Program for the level-III (D-3)
Implementation Program for Information Systems Bachelor level (S1) is specifically supported by the Ministry of Education, the Director General of Higher Education letter No. 2704/D/T/2004 about Operation Permit Extension Studies Program at STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA.

Badan Hukum:Yayasan AMIKOM Yogyakarta
Berdiri:11 Oktober 1994
Akte Pendirian :17 April 2008
Alamat :Jalan Ring Road Utara Condong Catur Depok-Sleman
Telpon:0274 - 884201 - 204
Faksimili:0274 - 884208

Pengurus :
Rektor/Ketua/Direktur:PROF. Dr. MOHAMMAD SUYANTO, MM.
Pembantu/Wakil II:RAHMA WIDYAWATI, SE., M.M.